Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Ms. Aarushi Rai Independent Researcher Independent Researcher
2 Author Ms. Ritika Rajput Independent Researcher Independent Researcher
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
Open Panel 10- Issues of Health and Wellbeing
Abstract Title
The Othering of Natives: The Urban Story of a Bordered Bodh Gaya
Short Abstract
Urban boundaries have always determined the movement of its populace, wherein the porosity of the boundaries regulate the extent to which people are mobile, welcomed or included. In this paper, we study the physical and symbolic urban boundaries of Bodh Gaya, their impact on the identities of its natives, and how the formation stories of urban spaces of Bodh Gaya, its urban governance, and international geopolitics have resulted in the othering of its natives.
Long Abstract

Urban boundaries have always determined the movement of its populace, wherein the porosity of the boundaries regulate the extent to which people are mobile or immobile, welcomed or unwelcomed, excluded or included. These boundaries may be symbolic or physical but nevertheless, impact the identity of urban people and their relational space-making and place-making in their urban environment. In this paper, we explore how physical and symbolic boundaries have influenced the identity of the natives of a small town called Bodh Gaya situated in Bihar, India. Bodh Gaya is unanimously identified as a city of historical significance with it being the birthplace of Buddhism. In 2002, it was also deemed as a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. Against this backdrop, we trace the history of urban spaces in Bodh Gaya to understand the formation stories of both the physical and the symbolic boundaries, and then we ethnographically explore how these boundaries have impacted the identities of its natives. Furthermore, we understand how the international players of the Buddhist sanctum play their part in the formation of these boundaries and juxtapose them with the perception of the natives of Bodh Gaya regarding its geopolitics. Finally, we remark on how the urban governance of Bodh Gaya with its exclusionary systems with the confluence of Bodh Gaya’s history and geopolitics has influenced the porosity of the different urban boundaries created and how these boundaries have resulted in both the physical and psychosocial ‘othering’ of its natives. 

Abstract Keywords
Urban boundaries, identity, space-making, place-making, othering