Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Ms. Ramsha Aveen Sociology Jamia Milla Islamia
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
PT146 - Violence and Women's Experiences
Abstract Title
Women and Violence : Understanding Gaslighting as a form of violence in modern day relationships.
Short Abstract
Women have been subjected to violence all over the world, but the structure and form of violence has changed in the modern and postmodern times. Physical violence is no longer the only option for restricting women's freedom, mobility, progress, and agency. Women have also been subjected to violence in interpersonal relationships; gaslighting, a type of psychological violence, is a new emerging social phenomenon in modern-day urban relationships that is impeding women's growth and confidence, limiting their agency for empowerment and self-realization.
Long Abstract

<p>Although modernity has provided women with new choices and freedom in the contemporary era, they can choose whom to have a relationship with and can openly express their emotional and sexual desires, but with new freedom comes new risks. With the emergence of new forms of relationships in the modern era, intimate partner violence has taken on a new form. Gaslighting is a social and emotional phenomenon that affects many women in intimate relationships. It is a new type of power relationship that occurs between two intimate partners in which one exercises greater control over the other through tactics such as emotional manipulation, which causes someone to doubt their perceptions of reality, experiences, feelings, emotions, and so on.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The subject of the study will be the women of urban context who are in relationships. The objective of the study will be to uncover the new forms of violence (subtle) perpetrated against women. The academic and practical significance of this study is to bring on the surface level the types and forms of emotional and psychological abuse in an intimate relationship  as well as the nuances between a healthy relationship and a toxic relationship. The study will aid the anthropological sciences in understanding the new forms of power relations. Simultaneously will help in bringing about solutions to the new forms of emotional abuse faced by women in modern day relationships.</p>

Abstract Keywords
Gaslighting, women, modern day relationships.