Abstract Panel

Authors Information
SequenceTypeName TitleFirst NameLast NameDepartmentInstitute / Affiliation
1 Author Dr. Linda Davisstephens Criminal Justice Colby Community College
Abstract Information
Abstract Theme
P105 - Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development. Commission panel
Abstract Title
Cheyenne Action Anthropology Of Massaum, Maladies, and Massacre Lost in the Mythic West Language of Treaties
Short Abstract
Peoples of the interior grasslands of North America continue efforts at preservation of indigenous knowledge and wisdom traditions in the context of cultural transformation. For sustainable tribal societies in the United States, historical ceremonies developed for health and community survival of catastrophic events. Peoples faced with life-threatening conditions adapted existing religious structures through expressions of revitalization and reorganization for heritage renewal. Doing action anthropology, I learned the Mythic West is mythic present still with us.
Long Abstract

<p>Peoples of the interior grasslands of North America continue efforts at preservation of indigenous knowledge and wisdom traditions in the context of cultural transformation. For sustainable tribal societies in the United States, historical ceremonies developed for health and community survival of catastrophic events. Peoples faced with life-threatening conditions adapted existing religious structures through expressions of revitalization and reorganization for heritage renewal. Doing action archeology, I have mapped 10,000 years of 10,000 square miles of the Central High Plains with students and community persons. Doing action anthropology, I learned the Mythic West is mythic present still with us.</p>

Abstract Keywords
Cheyenne, indigenous, knowledge